TF2 - 2D Download

Want a free teamfortress 2D?.. so now here`s some pictures that i brought to you

If you want to download CP_ORANGE map CLICK HERE: CP_ORANGE MAP

What you need in making this type of maps:
  • 2 func_gameaction game entities:
    1. Name: "twin" Action: 1
    2. Name: "ctwin" Action: 2
  • 2 entities of any type:
    1. Name: "payload_start" Trigger: "right","left","up",or "down" (starting direction)
    2. Name: "payload_end"
  • Any number of entities for the places where the payload turns like:
    Name: "payload_up" (turn to north)
    Name: "payload_down" (turn to south)
    Name: "payload_left" (turn to west)
    Name: "payload_right" (turn to east)

All you've got to do is:
-Place the func_Gameaction entities anywhere.
-Place the "payload_start" and "payload_end" entities where the payload should start/stop respectivitely.
-Place the last entities where the payload should turn.

And remember 3 things:
-The game is always 10 minutes long, so you should probably make big maps until I set a limit modifier.
-TF2D doesn't make tracks itself - you have to use tiles to make them.
-All "twin" entities are triggered when the payload is successfully pushed to the end - you should probably name explosions and effects under the same name.

That's all!

Want to download? check This is it! The release. 8-) Wanna know more?
Controls: (ingame)

WSAD - Move
G - Taunt
/ - Options
C - Radio (yes,no,help,incoming)
, (comma) - Change Class
. (full stop) - Change Team/Skin

Download the game here:

So, the rules are:

1. Don't swear, spread racism, or disrespect anyone.
2. Don't use the l33t language, or colors on any board exept Off-Topic.
3. Please don't off-topic in general and custom content boards.
4. You will not be banned, but if you want to delete your account, just PM me.
5. Don't use more than 3 exclamation points, question marks, or emoticons in every board exept Off-Topic.
6. Don't quote long posts!
7. If you post LUA scripts, use the "[code]" tag.
8. Don't post stupid stuff, and spam.
9. Speak clean ENGLISH everywhere outside the Off-Topic board.
10. If you break the rules, you'll get a 2-week warn. For the beginning 5 warns=1 month ban.

Question (Q.): What is Team Fortress 2D?
Answer (A.): It's a standalone Counter-Strike 2D modification with many features that are similar to Team Fortress 2.

Q.: Where do I download the newest version?
A.: Look into the newest topic that starts with the name "[RELEASE]".

Q.: How do you play it?
A.: Just like any topdown 2D shooter - aim at an enemy and shoot him. But before you do that you must create or join a server, choose a team, and a class.

Q.: What's a class?
A.: A class is a "character" with different weapons, abtilities, and taunts. There are 9 classes in TF2D.

Q.: What if I don't want to pick a class?
A.: The system will randomly pick one for you. Don't worry.

Q.: How do you disguise as a Spy?
A.: Select the DKit gun, and select who'd you like to disguise as.

Q.: How do you make yourself invisible as a Spy?
A.: Press the E button ("Call For Medic"). If you shoot, die or press E again, you'll become visible again.

Q.: Any other Spy stuff?
A.: He can backstab people instantly killing them if you hit them with your knife in their back.

Q.: The Medic is weak, he has only one weapon!
A.: Wait a few months until he gets a gun that can heal people and make them and you invulnerable.

Q.: How do I build as an Engineer?
A.: Press the right mouse button twice on the place you want to build at, and choose a building type.

Q.: How can I look at who made this game?
A.: Press "Help" in the Main Menu.

Clan Database


1. <fruitpapje>
2. (CAN)

1.) Clanname: <fruitpapje> TF2D*
2.) Clantag: <fruitpapje>
3.) Clan Leader(s): BanaanKiWi
4.) Total Members: 3
5.) Clan Website:
6.) Recruiting or not Recruiting: Certainly recruiting skilled players.
7.) International or National: International, yet timezones and ping differences cause us to, in reality, only recruit European players.
8.) Other info: Oldest TF2D clan, special department from an originally CS2D clan.
9.) Small banner (optional): Yet to come...

 All rights reserve to mat5b for making this game..................